
Showing posts from October, 2020

Kanjak Gift Ideas on Upasak Puja Samagri

  This year, Hindu’s one of the most auspicious festival Navratri is Stating on 17th of October which means the last day of Navratri is on Saturday 24 October. On the last day of Navratri many people worship young girls and they call him kanjak. They also wash kanjak feet, perform the puja, offer them navratri food (Prasad) and also give some kanjak gifts . They call it kanjak puja or kanya puja. These young girls are seen as a manifestation of Durga.   Many people get confused when they go to buy some gifts for kanjak. All they want is to give them something unique and useful, but during this pandemic (Covid 19) people are a little bit scared to go out of their house to buy something. But now you can buy kanjak gift items from your home by visiting Upasak Puja Samagri store.   Upasak is an online store in which you can buy some unique kanjak gifts. Here you can get some amazing kanjak puja gift ideas and you can also buy some puja samagri, Laddu Gopal dress , Diwali gi...